
Flux Chair

This intro video of foldable Flux chair.
"The Flux chair combines design with the practical advantages of foldable furniture in an innovative way. Folded in, the Flux chair can be easily carried as a case and stored completely flat, without giving away its final shape. Within 10 seconds the case transforms into a fullfledged design chair. It will be delivered mid 2009 "


Star Wars Steampunk Art

Society of Digital Artists held a Star Wars Steampunk digital art contest. Click to enlarge!


Hansgrohe, 自從 1901 年 Hans Grohe 先生創立 Hansgrohe 品牌之後,該企業所生產的廚房衛浴龍頭配件,就成為全德國衛浴工業之翹楚,並擁有全德國七成以上的市場佔有率;時至今日,該企業經過家族品牌各自獨立壯大之後,Hansgrohe 更跨入各家族品牌的市場,成為全德國,乃至全世界首屈一指的衛浴設備之「龍頭」。為配合市場不同的需要,Hansgrohe 成立了三個品牌,分別是 "Hansgrohe","Axor"( 由 Philippe Starck 和 Phoenix Product Design 等名設計師所設計一系列的個人生活產品 ) 及 "Pharo"。